Designing the 21st Century Electricity System

The Clean Energy Buyers Institute provides expert thought leadership for energy customers and others on the transformational market changes needed to transition to a reliable, cost-effective, zero-carbon electricity system.

Current U.S. electricity regulatory and market structures designed for a fossil fuel dominant grid are inadequate for a 21st electricity system transitioning to zero-carbon emissions. With transformational change, the power system will be able to meet customer demand for zero-carbon energy reliably and affordably while achieving system-level changes. The 21st Century Electricity System Program provides engagement, research, and education related to the recommendations provided by the Clean Energy Buyers Institute report, Designing the 21st Century Electricity System: How Electricity Buyers Can Accelerate Change.

Priorities identified as the leading challenges to energy customers’ goals and a zero-carbon electricity system include:

Market Monitoring and Performance Standards

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Transmission Expansion and Optimization

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Utility Regulation and Resource Procurement

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Clicking each topic area above will take you to recommendations, primers, webinars, and other resources designed to support public and energy customer education.

Notably, Organized Wholesale Markets are a key component to modernizing the U.S. electricity system. Many of the 21st Century Electricity System’s recommendations focus on the design and expansion of organized wholesale markets. Learn about the basics of organized wholesale markets and the entities that operate them (Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators) in CEBI’s Organized Wholesale Markets Explainer.

Download Organized Wholesale Markets Explainer

Learn the basics on organized wholesale markets, Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs), and Independent System Operators (ISOs).

Past Events

An Introduction to Resource Adequacy: What it is and Why it Matters to Energy Customers

November, 2 2022

Learn more about the CEBI Resource Adequacy Primer, why it is important to energy customers, and general approaches to resource adequacy planning. Speakers will also explore the implications resource adequacy planning has on customer costs and the transition to a zero-carbon electric grid.

Supporting Large Customer Clean Energy Demand Through Transmission Reform

September 20, 2022

In this webinar, CEBI presented potential reforms for transmission planning that are underway and the specific ways large energy customers can play an integral role. It also described avenues for customers engaging with utilities and RTOs to effectively communicate the large clean energy customer’s perspective on engaging in transmission reform and planning.

An Introduction to Transmission Planning: What it is and Why it Matters

August 31, 2022

Join CEBI for a webinar where we will present our Electric Transmission Planning primer that provides basics on transmission planning by exploring infrastructure components, jurisdictional authorities, key stakeholders, and current planning processes. Speakers will also discuss the barriers to transmission planning and expansion, current federal regulatory and policy transmission developments, and the critical role of transmission in achieving customer’ clean energy goals and a 100% decarbonized electricity system.

Webinar: Organized Wholesale Market Governance

August 11, 2022

This webinar provides an overview of regional transmission organization (RTO) and independent system operator (ISO) governance, based on CEBI’s Governance primer, including oversight, governance models, and stakeholder interaction. The webinar also introduces the new market offerings that have been developing in the Western United States and their impact on future market governance. In addition, Amanda Ormond, who represents public interest organizations on the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Governance Review Committee, discusses her role and the importance of stakeholder engagement.

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