Innovation and Clean Technology

New innovative clean technologies will be necessary to reach a 100% clean electricity grid reliably and cost-effectively. Research has found that the U.S. can get to a 90% decarbonized grid on current cost-effective generation resources and technology, but to decarbonize the last 10%, new technology not yet brought to scale is needed. To bring such technologies to scale market entry and access are pivotal.

Regional Transmission Organizations/Independent System Operators (RTOs/ISOs) are mandated to operate technology-neutral and non-discriminatory competitive markets with open access to transmission and price transparency, providing market flexibility and certainty. However, new rules and services to accommodate and accurately value new technologies will need to be developed. CEBI is dedicated to informing market design that includes non-discriminatory operations and reliability services definitions that allow clean energy and customer-owned resources the opportunity to provide services on a level playing field.

Resource Library

In support of its mission to solve the toughest market and policy barriers to achieve a carbon-free energy system, the Clean Energy Buyers Institute (CEBI) has created a clearinghouse of resources for organizations interested in the advancement of clean energy.