
  • Greening Supply Chains Through Aggregation

    Author: Chandni Sinha Das Corporations are facing increasing pressure to reduce their Scope 3 emissions, or the emissions that come from their...

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  • Solving Offtaker Credit Barriers through Aggregation

    By: Chandni Sinha Das Non-investment grade companies and companies with small energy loads often face trouble accessing cost effective procurement mechanisms. However,...

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  • Beyond the Megawatt: Verse’s Work with Principles for Purpose-Driven Energy Procurement

    Author: Seyed Madaeni, Co-founder and CEO Why did your organization get involved with the Beyond the Megawatt initiative? Verse’s mission is to unlock...

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  • Best Practices for Using Credit Insurance for VPPAs

    Part 4 of the Energy Customer Investment-Grade Credit Support Blog Series Credit insurance is a financial product purchased by a clean energy...

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