
  • Greening Supply Chains Through Aggregation

    Author: Chandni Sinha Das Corporations are facing increasing pressure to reduce their Scope 3 emissions, or the emissions that come from their...

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  • Solving Offtaker Credit Barriers through Aggregation

    By: Chandni Sinha Das Non-investment grade companies and companies with small energy loads often face trouble accessing cost effective procurement mechanisms. However,...

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  • Best Practices for Using Credit Insurance for VPPAs

    Part 4 of the Energy Customer Investment-Grade Credit Support Blog Series Credit insurance is a financial product purchased by a clean energy...

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  • Clean Energy Procurement 101: New, Free CEBI Course will Jump Start your Clean Energy Journey

    Customers. Employees. Investors. Even governments. The pressure on businesses to take action on climate is increasingly coming from all angles. It is...

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