Clean Energy Procurement 101: New, Free CEBI Course will Jump Start your Clean Energy Journey

Customers. Employees. Investors. Even governments. The pressure on businesses to take action on climate is increasingly coming from all angles. It is no longer just the largest corporations taking steps to power their operations with clean energy and reduce their Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased electricity) greenhouse gas emissions. By the end of 2023, more than 4,000 companies globally had set science-based targets to reduce their emissions, and more than 400 companies had committed to procuring 100% of their energy from renewable sources through RE100.

As large, experienced clean energy customers achieve their own Scope 2 goals, they are increasingly setting their sights on reducing their Scope 3 – or value chain emissions – and are turning to their suppliers with demands that they procure clean energy as well.

You get it. There is a business imperative to embark on a clean energy procurement journey. But how do you get started?

The Clean Energy Buyers Institute’s Clean Energy Procurement Fundamentals course is a free online tool that will help you become conversant in the clean energy procurement space. In about two hours you’ll learn why companies buy clean energy, how to engage the right people to help your procurement strategy be a success, and what options may be available to you. This U.S.-focused course includes videos, helpful resources, and workbooks that help you apply what you learn.

Enroll today and set your company on a path for clean energy success!

CEBI and the SaMBA team would like to thank the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations for its financial support of this important work.

Authored by Ashby Remley, CEBA