Beyond the MegawattPrinciples for purpose-driven energy procurement

A heightened focus on carbon impacts of procurement has accentuated the fact that not all clean energy is created equal. Industry-leading companies are now seeking to advance standards to integrate environmental sustainability, resilience, and social considerations in procurement decisions.

Established by leading energy stakeholders, the Principles for Purpose-Driven Energy Procurement are aspirational considerations for industry stakeholders to individually and independently evaluate and integrate the maximization of clean energy procurement benefits. While non-binding, the Principles signal an evolution in the energy customer decision-making approach leveraged when engaging energy developer and provider partners to identify impactful clean energy projects.

Download the full Principles for Purpose-Driven Energy Procurement


The Principles

Environmental Sustainability

Guiding Principle:

Respecting and conserving our lands, waters, and biodiversity through avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures when siting, designing, developing, and operating clean energy projects.


Guiding Principle:

Valuing the long-term efficiency and adaptive capacity of our energy systems to a changing environment by increasing investments in the resilience of regional grid infrastructure and clean energy supply chains.

Social Equity

Guiding Principle:

Advancing an equitable and just energy transition that upholds human rights and empowers and restores communities — including historically marginalized and frontline communities who have been harmed by energy development — and ensures those communities are active participants, decision-makers, and beneficiaries across all stages of the project life cycle.